Clouds what are in ours today?

Monday, November 12, 2012

Anthony W.

A wonderful human being has left this earth , a person who if asked would surely have laid down his time for you and lend an ear for your problem. Upon reaching my job on Friday November 2, 2012  I was traversed into a netherworld where my thoughts went every way but the right way. Mentally all who were told that Anthony was shot and killed that previous Wednesday still haven't come to terms on the senseless act that this was and probably never will it will be like an old file that is stored along with other miscellanous facts that have eluded human beings since the dawn of mankind. Cain slew Abel and from that moment on it has been like a cacophony when it comes to the single word "WHY"? ON this night Anthony was last seen on 4th and Rhode Island Ave. NW The police report stated that he was shot multiple times by an unknown so far suspect and managed to run out of the alley, get to the street and collapse.This is where the Emergency Fire & Rescue along w/ authorities found him then pronounced him dead. After all is said and done can people just go back to business as usual or have we gotten so desensitized about death that this to will be just another long fact sheet at the Medical Examiner's Office? Can we get so tired about senseless deaths that we go out into the streets and demand that the police and the Mayor stop leaving these mental pieces for us to ramble through during our lucid times of the day and fight the good fight for justice? The stress that goes along with so many sleepless nights and so many painful episodes of funerals and viewings has got to take it's toll upon the nation's psyche at least it has for me. Then we have the experts that research how our mental health is holding up and we sometimes wonder what can be said about our young and their being exposed to an ever extending arm of tragedy and mayhem does it stop people and if so when? When we hear that children so absurdly pick up arms,guns,knives and slay one another for stupid  reasons, can we actually say that we know why? Somehow its so cloudy now as I say 'Goodbye to my friend who was so young and promising! He actually was on his way to another level in his life, that is why its so sad and conclusive when we see the results of a Thought World Gone Bad! Can society be resurrected and can the people that do the deeds learn how to live peaceably instead of the visibly angry way that they solve each and every thing that they encounter? Why? is the only word that I can say at this time but hopefully that word will change to I forgive you!
I dedicate this piece to his sisters and brothers that still don't know what to think of their older brother's passing,this young man who strived to be the better man and a candle to light his siblings path and show them that it could be done. Anthony I applaud you for the short time that I knew you I came to admire and later respect you for the time that you took to do positive things for the agency you worked for and for family. I want to encourage those that can take something away from these, senseless acts of violence, please know that for every branch that is torn away from a beautiful tree there will grow several more to it's bountiful harvest. ANTHONY YOU WILL BE MISSED BUT NOT FORGOTTEN!


Poetrydiva said...

The places there should be a lot of comments is usually where they are not. That perplexes me?

Poetrydiva said...

I remember you!