Clouds what are in ours today?

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

big screen of me in the city  big city dvenzcode screen the
imikimi - Customize Your World

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Nothing Is Greater Than HE!

Photobucket To be elevated to the status we are as Humans has got to be a wonderful feeling if we but realize 'Who we truly are in this scheme of things. A lot of times we refuse to give ourselves the credit we should be afforded, We are awesome in our design, our minds are fine-tuned instruments each of us has a gift of highly specialized insight for our particular vision and scope! Who created us? Has a supernatural spin on it, for us to be so awesome in oyr breadth there would have to be someone omnipotent in his thought and expertise,so 'Who is Greater Than He?

Monday, September 8, 2008

If I Ever Lose this Heaven~~

Could i envision this life as as any other? Through all the trials and tribulations I may go into I wouldn't trade this life lesson for nothing. I picture myself as a woman who by selection of my limitless choices have found my niche..My own place in the Sun, a place that holds me up regardless of the last session of experiences I may have had. Living for some can be met head on with force but when one becomes comfortable with the lows and highs you begin to recognize that breathing is not so very hard and with your breathe comes the dawning of a new expression and the Blessing in every lesson. Comes Your Way~~~ Would I Trade this Heaven ? I Think Not!