Clouds what are in ours today?

Monday, October 18, 2010

Everybody knows how to do the 'Electric Slide" Ha! Ha! even the KidS!!@^&#

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This has got to be one of the most famous dance moves that people of Color originated! Although I have seen numerous attempts to change it and rename it "Electric Sliding is something we do with zest and fun! and we do it well and don't forget 'ON TIME' Got to love the dance~ Come on and let's party right!!!!

Posted via email from poetrydivas2

Jammin @ Malcom X Park on 10/17/10

Memories of a beautiful day in the park. To preserve and reminisce on those days that go off into the dusk all to soon!

Posted via email from poetrydivas's posterous

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Do our lives have a parallel?

Sometimes I believe folks think we are aliens from another planet like
I said before want te self-same results that you want!

Posted via email from poetrydivas2

Do our lives have a parallel?

I see the same motions that folks go through each day~ We feed our young ,we protect and have dreams about where we are going.We glance upon the stars and breathe a sigh of relief when troubles past. We all share the same death and birth woes that everybody else does.. Why then is everything s different? I watch as the media shouts that for every crime committed another neighborhood is not safe. I too want what other folks want a safe environment where my children grow and prosper along with children of all races. I don;t want the separation of society like the racists do. i believe there is a chance if we put trust and communication in front to see just what our fears actually are! Are you afraid that your children and mine will become friends? If so then it's much too late, they go to schools together they date and interact during educational engagement. They see each other at the malls and often times they even sit near each other on the bus. How then can you still teach them to hate? Hate is such a monstrosity of a word

of a word, conjures up themes of dark caverns and doom, it shows how prehistoric our minds still remain. technology dictates that we become modern in our thoughts and deeds. Why is it so hard to let go of the past and go on to our futures. Does hate have to continue to be on the plate? Time is of an essence now will we relegate our children to hate like we have or will we allow them the freedom to choose their friends and allies as their own? Let go and give them permission to become unencumbered by that weight tied around their necks please let them be free from hate,prejudices and animosity. There is no room for those emotions anymore our lives are much to full with other more important things to be taken care of~ Live and let live is the motto for all or should be! Let it go and become FREE!

Posted via email from poetrydivas2

Unions with Solidarity: ONE NATION UNDER GOD

Today was a day that started out like any regular day did. I watched the weather channel to see what the climate was and proceeded to put on something comfortable and loose. I planned to take pictures of the activities on the mall. People were everywhere as you can see.There were a tatal of 1600 buses alone at RFK Stadium and 290 in Maryland anywhere they could be parked they were. The word on the streets was that people and the unions are in DC to have a showdown with politicians on working conditions and Social program reforms. I must say they are in need of upheaval for all the reasons that are listed. Congress doesn't want to pass any more reforms on HealthCare but will not go back on the promise to amend certain passages they already have let up on. For instance how can they take back the aid to veterans that have fought in the war? Concessions that they have given for medical aid to seniors Yes! we also know they want to privatize Social Security! Just how will that work? Have a bidding war over what companies will own and regulate the rest of our lives our monies, our investments? No that doesn't sound feasible either! Whan it comes down to the "Y" exactly who will govern those laws that maintain and keep us afloat upon the seas of life. I for one don't know thw answers but being a part of a movement to be counted does appeal to me in these ways. If one doesn't stand up to be counted you can best believe you won't be. Our society has gone to the point of indifference when it comes down to everyone having a vote and a point. of view. The march yesterday proved that we still care about our futures and the fact still remains that we do have power. Power in nunbers to be exact and we have to parlay that and send a message to the powers that be! That we won't sit down and allow politicains our president or any other entity to just go on making those decisions that lead to us not being involved in our own LIVES~ absolutely ludicrous to believe that we don't want to be a part of that Number~ We can all sing now- Oh! when the Saints come marching home!!

Posted via email from poetrydivas2