I have always been the type of woman that loved to be independent and rely upon my own iniative to get things done. One can say with this being said what career decision can possibly form? I began by researching the kinds of retailers and organizations that were close in proximity to me and the type of transportation I needed to get there. First and foremost my primary job was bread and butter for my family. I worked as CSW and Social /worker mental health most of my career also as a youth worker. I dealt with adjudicated population of boys and girls in the youth criminal justice system both in group homes and at the Receiving Home on Mt. Olivet Rd. NE Wash. DC.
up pi I have had various temp job as clerk-typist, file clerks and support staff for nursing home and health facility. The main occupation for is service and helping others with my expertise. Character building assisting youth with correcting certain behaviors has been a passion withe showing by example that change is possible negating old stereotypes that one cannot change core values. I believe that if worked in certain cases change can definitely be the final outcome A mainstay in our community are service jobs, hotel. Retail jobs and jobs that are minimum wages are jobs that many young adults seek out before attempting high tech and multilayered managerial positions because you don't have to have college degrees to apply. What I personally have done is secret shopping and magazine/card set ups which surprisingly gave me a great check on a monthly basis. You have to have access to a vehicle to really do these types of jobs. Being a merchandiser for certain business. There are alot of support columns written giving scads of information on how to get established and begin. One should also examine time management when settling into any job situation. I am just giving some of my intimate views on positions that worked for me and showing others that being self employed can be the freedom you are seeking.
poetrydivas travels in this journey called Life~
A poetry based blog with an added twist of news on the GO! Arts and Mother's Wit are chemically combined to give it's patrons a new lease on Life. We are the women and men who have yearned for change and now realize that change only comes with Actions:) Contributions to blogs are always welcome as we are a community of poets with our minds and eyes upon the rationale of Change
Clouds what are in ours today?
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Tuesday, December 18, 2018
Cancer is a concerted effort.
I woke up to realize I am carrying an unwanted passenger. It is called cancer or myeloma. AKA known as bone marrow cancer it breaks down your marrow much as the marrow in a chicken bone would be. I can't see for the life of me why it chose me but it did so I have to be understanding not angry as I was at first realizing my life as it was is now finite. My life always was but now I can see it and taste it before I knew but never exactly when?? Somehow amidst the injections Doctors visits and hours of studying the ins and outs of this malady of diseases that hangs over my head I have to somehow balance my life with family and not allow them to take this experience lightly cause who knows who may be next to receive this heavy burden. I have to smile to keep my tears in check with my grandkids, knowing that it can be a day or night that my life can be cut short with the call of my maker claiming my soul to come rest. Why did this terrible thing come into play? There is but 1 way for man or woman to be born but millions of ways for us to die. We search our hearts with answers that only start with in our minds placed there in memories that part with our ancestors and their forerunners people that gave them the answers we now seek. What turmoil and pain do we have to endure to ensure that our lives won't be in vain nor shall our existence be looked upon as a glimmer in the eyes of those who loved us. No we will be held high by all those around us who knew us and lived through us they knew that we didn't want to go or to leave would be too painful to bear. I can only give you what I feel and that is tho my days are filled with love for my children and friends those that remember me will tell you that I lived through it all I lived to be loved to be here to be of service I lived. I lived so that you could all be!
Tuesday, August 9, 2016
Family Memories are Everything!
Family memories are Everything
It's funny how you grow up with brothers ,sister also cousins and suddenly you have all separated and raising kids of your own. We played cops and robbers ,set the dollhouse with dolls and even dressed up imitating every adult in the family. It wouldn't be basic because everyone has a drunk uncle and we had several. How awesome to go from 1 generation to the next in what seems like a moment. As a child I can remember enchanted moments of "I dream of Jeannie and even "I Spy' Robert Culp and Bill Cosby were my heroes. Yogi Bear and "Exit Stage Right "Snaggle-Puss were the cartoons to watch on weekends and you and your brother argued over who was gonna look at the cereal box while indulging in your favorite brand It was a 'Man's world' in which I grew up,men dominated all things wise and economic during the fifties.Then we had the Kennedy and Lyndon B Johnson era whereas things were bearable but still shade was at the end of the tunnel .There was the 'Viet Nam War' People came home mentally disturbed fighting a war for all intent and purpose the minority felt was genocidal. Many veterans came back home infected with 'Agent Orange and horrific drug habits but somehow 'Uncle Sam' made most things right again and all was well.
Malcom X Dancers and drummers
Cookout /Family reunion
I felt sometime that the world was being run by an old transistor radio and 'The Whole World was a Stage.' Being a baby- boomer never meant much to me until I saw all my friends dying and even more crippled and disabled and to find that I could still enjoy sex was a major factor to me 'sic' To realize that Medicaid and Medicare became a catch phrase to most of us now instead of hanging out in the newest clubs that DC gentrification brought head on into DMV. Am I jealous 'Nope" not in the least but I can say with all sincerity that if I could control a Time Capsule I really would like to keep Obama for another 4 year tenure, and send Trump back to Jersey fast. I might even try my hand at politicking. If Only Time wouldn't Fly like it has and the Doobie Brothers might even think about singing at my Inauguration along with AWB 'A Love of My Own Yessss! Those were the days.My oldest brother visited about two weeks ago with his new wife and I had the pleasure of seeing my life set out before me with my kid who is now 45years old and has kids of his own. My mother a great-grandmother who still loves going to the casina's as she calls Maryland Live and Horse-Shoe in B-More was radiant watching the generations pass her by but giving her the praise and wonderment people give when they find out your still here! I had a ball as the old heads like to say and share some of our highlights with you from the past few months that I have been cataloging my family and their unique story lines.. DC does not always TUrner Around.. A Play Upon the TURNER CLAN!
It's funny how you grow up with brothers ,sister also cousins and suddenly you have all separated and raising kids of your own. We played cops and robbers ,set the dollhouse with dolls and even dressed up imitating every adult in the family. It wouldn't be basic because everyone has a drunk uncle and we had several. How awesome to go from 1 generation to the next in what seems like a moment. As a child I can remember enchanted moments of "I dream of Jeannie and even "I Spy' Robert Culp and Bill Cosby were my heroes. Yogi Bear and "Exit Stage Right "Snaggle-Puss were the cartoons to watch on weekends and you and your brother argued over who was gonna look at the cereal box while indulging in your favorite brand It was a 'Man's world' in which I grew up,men dominated all things wise and economic during the fifties.Then we had the Kennedy and Lyndon B Johnson era whereas things were bearable but still shade was at the end of the tunnel .There was the 'Viet Nam War' People came home mentally disturbed fighting a war for all intent and purpose the minority felt was genocidal. Many veterans came back home infected with 'Agent Orange and horrific drug habits but somehow 'Uncle Sam' made most things right again and all was well.
Malcom X Dancers and drummers
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workaholic! |
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My big bro and wife with me! |
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me, bro,and wife |
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brother ,wife, my sons |
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The New H St. NE |
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Me! |
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The oldest granddaughter 13 yrs .old |
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Father & Daughter |
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youngest 6 yrs old |
Sunday, March 8, 2015
Friday, April 19, 2013
Bombing in Boston Who knew and who cared??
Ironically I sit back and take in the news reports and radio reports as they stream on and on repeatedly throughout the day. One bomber who at first was only a person of interest is dead the other one is the main person involved in a statewide manhunt. Both of them are from a place across the seas near Russia and are CZECH. The identity point is what interested me the most, they were said to blend in with UNITED STATES everyday mingle and flow of people mainly Caucasians that are moving freely around any given point in America without pause. No one gauges them or their movement because basically they are not suspect nor are they wanted for anything criminal. The Islamic religion that these men are said to follow has not been the focal point of their crime not yet anyways because the FBI and other police oriented agencies have yet to investigate these crimes to the fullest capacity. I can all but assure that after investigations have got under way there will be a way to tie it in with Islam if only for a motivational notion or a political agenda tie in. Just for the sake of saying that their beliefs played a part in them putting these bombs down in Boston on that particular day of the marathon. The horrific quiet after the explosions made me feel as though the world had come to an end. These types of event have been predicted as bomb experts elaborated on the Fox News and other stations throughout the United States. To my astonishment they were completely correct since 9/11 we as a country have been rather lucky that it hasn't happened earlier. I hear the uncles quiet lament as they are bombarded by newscasters and reporters who holler and scream questions at them,these people are just finding out these disheartening facts on their relatives as we are but no
one cares that they are trying to balance themselves away from the disbelief that these children are their people. The way society looks at terror and the part that we manifest this atrocity can only be summed up as one statement we propagate the hate then sit back and wonder why? My question stems from something the uncle said when he was questioned by a reporter that the only reason he could think of was because the boys could not relate nor could they acclimate themselves into our society. What did their neighbors say and do ? Did they shut them out from activities? Did they discriminate against them because they came from another country? It couldn't have been that much prejudice because they looked so much like everyone else as was said repeatedly over and over, like everyone else. The pressure cooker bomb in essence symbolizes the pressures that these individuals find themselves under once they felt as though they have arrived into another country where they are supposed to be safe and able to work,study,live and be free just to realize that this is just another illusion made to look ,smell,and feel as though your safe when in reality you are still an outsider and are viewed the same way you were when you fled from an unsafe situation! Who knew what went through their heads? Now it's much too late to ask those questions but what about the next insurgents or terrorists that lurk waiting their turn? because there will be a next time be assured!!@@
one cares that they are trying to balance themselves away from the disbelief that these children are their people. The way society looks at terror and the part that we manifest this atrocity can only be summed up as one statement we propagate the hate then sit back and wonder why? My question stems from something the uncle said when he was questioned by a reporter that the only reason he could think of was because the boys could not relate nor could they acclimate themselves into our society. What did their neighbors say and do ? Did they shut them out from activities? Did they discriminate against them because they came from another country? It couldn't have been that much prejudice because they looked so much like everyone else as was said repeatedly over and over, like everyone else. The pressure cooker bomb in essence symbolizes the pressures that these individuals find themselves under once they felt as though they have arrived into another country where they are supposed to be safe and able to work,study,live and be free just to realize that this is just another illusion made to look ,smell,and feel as though your safe when in reality you are still an outsider and are viewed the same way you were when you fled from an unsafe situation! Who knew what went through their heads? Now it's much too late to ask those questions but what about the next insurgents or terrorists that lurk waiting their turn? because there will be a next time be assured!!@@
Sunday, February 10, 2013
Incarcerated Minorities-The New JIM CROW
While reading this article I couldn't help but see what others view as the right mind set about us as a people. they see our shortcomings as convicts ,thugs or prisoners as either a character defect or something is wrong with our genetic makeup. When we are born there is no direct correlation with our futures that lay out a plan that we are going to break the law or be criminals. There is nothing but a clean slate society dictates and manipulates the visions and direction we take. Our environment can be as much as a mental compass as our elemental balance can be to us in most cases. We are molded according to our parents brackets of earning and living in certain areas. That is a definite correlation, why do you suppose there are gated communities? Do you suppose they are to keep the people that live there in or people that are undesirable out? Exactly what is your take on that question. The privatization of jails and penal systems has been long in there making and the powers that be that are running these conglomerates know what their particular directives and initiatives are and who they are directed at. One could imagine a few of there own may be caught up inn the mesh but the majority will be minorities and those that are disenfranchised oppressed and just out of hope. How do you end up being in those categories of being detained indefinitely and all the time remaining black or minority as your ethnicity? How does the numbers continue to add up to that type of statistic?The war that comes to mind is not a war of color as as much as it is a war of the Haves and Have Not that always equals Black and White. Nothing can keep the odds up as even on all areas in those statistics. No game of craps would keep your side of white as always having money and the side of Black as being oppressed and broke,all of the time if not most of the time! There is no COMPARABLE IDEA IN MY MIND OR ANYONE ELSE'S THAT THIS IS BY NO MEANS A MONITORED AND OR DIRECTED,PLANNED AND OR PROJECTED TYPE OF VISION THAT HAS IT'S HANDS UPON OUR NATION. Conspiracies are things that cannot be proven however you just know that it's in place and the fact that this country has always acted upon subterfuge and espionage is by no means a coincidence. The war in Vietnam as any other wars are by far the US way of cleansing its country and adding to its inventories or coffers money and industry when needed can come by the guise of assistance in aid to other countries by choice or by force. They (countries) can choose the way it goes down. Why do you suppose the US is the most hated country in the world? It's not so much because of their animosity towards the 3rd word countries or underdeveloped countries that they get this unique nametag but because of their politics and the underhanded deeds that they contrive upon when dealing with others.They buy each side out then throw sides back into the fight or fracas with each other counterattacking and spies, all of the stuff you see on television is live and in real life. They will kill officials and families not keeping anyone in a partial process but using everyone as they would a pawn or knight in a chess game nothing is sacred with the United States except WINNING! That's the only thing that matters with this super-power. Now we have this communication going on about UNICOR something that has been known for quite awhile but keep resurfacing from time to time because it is real and just won';t go away it seems until it's addressed but the United States wants no parts of this because a lot of heads will roll if this information is decoded and unleashed to the public. There pretend all they want to act as though it is not here in the prisons the jails and any other nice convenient place of detention in our country. I know for a fact because I was there for at LEAST THREE YEARS KEYPUNCHING AND WORD PROCESSING ALSO PROGRAMMING FOR THE GOVERNMENT IN VIRGINIA AND THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. I WAS DOING IN EXCESS OF 1000 OR MORE KEYSTROKES AN HOUR AND WAS MAKING ONLY .23 CENTS A DAY THROUGH UNICOR. As women inmates in the state of Virginia and Goochland Penal System we didn't have much in the way of decisions either you worked laundry or sewing Industrial for Army, Navy any where that they needed industrial garments made up fast and cheap that was us or you had to be locked down there was no 'if's and or don't's when it came to directions. The men inmates make up much more of a percentage than we did because there are more men's jails and detention centers squandered around the United States. A Bureau of Prisons is a large conglomerate that doesn't care about nothing except numbers and how they are going to keep up the projected statistics from year to year and to make sure that the contracts still come in and doesn't matter if your babies "your black babies are earmarked to go into a system that is so dull and deadly and antagonistic and such a subtle insidious, parasitic device that no one really sees it as a danger but perhaps even a hindrance to keep our kind off of the streets. The initiatives they speak of are written to take up to 20-30 years of 'Blacks into the machine that takes their lives, their experience and blood to make sure that Wall Street thrives and makes our blood churn the monies into the pockets of the 'NEW PLANTATION OWNERS' My Release Date was 7/23/93 after giving the criminal Justice System at least 15 years here and there in increment,and installments of 5 years,2 years and 4 years repeatedly. I finally got the message and made the transition of going back to college getting off of parole and staying out in the 'Free World" whereas I teach a young group of Black kids that don't listen and won't believe what we had to go through and what waits for them once they step into the machine.UNICOR may be listed under other corporation such as the GEO Group they hide alot of their affiliations because of the lawsuits and legal animosity that accompanies its existence but for the most it generates so many millions of dollars that they push it under the rug really fast and keep on moving as they do with any real crimes against HUMANITY and will continue to do so until someone starts looking at the big picture and connecting the dots..then it will become what it really is a Holocaust and Black Genocide. Make sure you read this article that proves that there is a definite correlation from school to prison there is no such thing as reform!@!@ http://www.techyville.com/2013/02/news/how-corporations-make-money-from-prison-labor-theyre-happy-to-have-more-inmates/
Saturday, December 29, 2012
A letter for the upcoming year!
Wow we are finally here in 2013 seems so far awaY FOR A BABY-BOOMER TO EMERGE HERE in this place and time. I have some heart felt responses to put here and some brain boggling statements as well. Firstly I want to thank everyone who pauses here to read because reading material especially solid reading material is hard to come by and what I write I want it to be comparative ACROSS all boards not stopped by whether I am one color and you are another I want it to be faceless and colorless but of great import because words are thus shapeless,colorless and above all else tend to resound in your soul and hearts of men long after they are remembered by the readers. Where are we now as a nation of people who have managed to strive beyond the amendments of the Constitution and to shun those things that would have us shackled to lies and more hate! We have a disease in our midst something so insidious and baffling that it goes through our hearts and minds like some giant creeping thing that emerges itself to do damage to anyone and anything that is in front of us and for no other reason than to harm and hurt our souls. When words no longer are captured by our minds than I know its time for other tactics to make sure that the words reaches its mark. I go on the internet I go on blogs I go where the social networks are. We are so influenced by what others say that we won't read relevant content we will only read that which strikes us as colorful or bewitching something so frivolous that it really loses its real meaning,it misses its mark which is justifiably a message that lets us know that we are in danger if we don't change our ways and means of thought. To change isn't something that I have the real solution too but I have reckoned enough to know it's route is not a dangerous one and that it is on the side of good at all times never meaning to harm or hurt in any ways but to raise up and to help one that is down... the way to change is merely to keep your fellowman in an upright position at all times, never beneath you or iN A POSITION THAT MAKES YOU HIS SUPERIOR AND HIM THE INFERIOR FOR PURPOSES OTHER THAN WORK. We have taken this label and put it on any typical qualification that a person can use just to make ourselves feel better about us. Why is this I suppose have we let our ourselves down to a point that we must degrade others to make ourselves raise above the fray of whispered deceit and hate. We constructed the very vessel that holds us prisoner and we lie to our own ears that this is not the case. Lies and deceit is what forms the disguise that starts out the road to disaster that runs down the path to a place that makes us hate another so much that they become a part of the before and after that we believe is a solution...Destruction! The real powers that be this year are the ones that will give our nation some continuity and cohesiveness... solidaRITY WITH A SPIN ON IT! This is something that hope shall spring forth with and gladness and strength and above all else clarity to b able to see past faults and change them along with our path that we trod upon for the rest of our days..
Monday, November 12, 2012
Anthony W.
A wonderful human being has left this earth , a person who if asked would surely have laid down his time for you and lend an ear for your problem. Upon reaching my job on Friday November 2, 2012 I was traversed into a netherworld where my thoughts went every way but the right way. Mentally all who were told that Anthony was shot and killed that previous Wednesday still haven't come to terms on the senseless act that this was and probably never will it will be like an old file that is stored along with other miscellanous facts that have eluded human beings since the dawn of mankind. Cain slew Abel and from that moment on it has been like a cacophony when it comes to the single word "WHY"? ON this night Anthony was last seen on 4th and Rhode Island Ave. NW The police report stated that he was shot multiple times by an unknown so far suspect and managed to run out of the alley, get to the street and collapse.This is where the Emergency Fire & Rescue along w/ authorities found him then pronounced him dead. After all is said and done can people just go back to business as usual or have we gotten so desensitized about death that this to will be just another long fact sheet at the Medical Examiner's Office? Can we get so tired about senseless deaths that we go out into the streets and demand that the police and the Mayor stop leaving these mental pieces for us to ramble through during our lucid times of the day and fight the good fight for justice? The stress that goes along with so many sleepless nights and so many painful episodes of funerals and viewings has got to take it's toll upon the nation's psyche at least it has for me. Then we have the experts that research how our mental health is holding up and we sometimes wonder what can be said about our young and their being exposed to an ever extending arm of tragedy and mayhem does it stop people and if so when? When we hear that children so absurdly pick up arms,guns,knives and slay one another for stupid reasons, can we actually say that we know why? Somehow its so cloudy now as I say 'Goodbye to my friend who was so young and promising! He actually was on his way to another level in his life, that is why its so sad and conclusive when we see the results of a Thought World Gone Bad! Can society be resurrected and can the people that do the deeds learn how to live peaceably instead of the visibly angry way that they solve each and every thing that they encounter? Why? is the only word that I can say at this time but hopefully that word will change to I forgive you!
I dedicate this piece to his sisters and brothers that still don't know what to think of their older brother's passing,this young man who strived to be the better man and a candle to light his siblings path and show them that it could be done. Anthony I applaud you for the short time that I knew you I came to admire and later respect you for the time that you took to do positive things for the agency you worked for and for family. I want to encourage those that can take something away from these, senseless acts of violence, please know that for every branch that is torn away from a beautiful tree there will grow several more to it's bountiful harvest. ANTHONY YOU WILL BE MISSED BUT NOT FORGOTTEN!
I dedicate this piece to his sisters and brothers that still don't know what to think of their older brother's passing,this young man who strived to be the better man and a candle to light his siblings path and show them that it could be done. Anthony I applaud you for the short time that I knew you I came to admire and later respect you for the time that you took to do positive things for the agency you worked for and for family. I want to encourage those that can take something away from these, senseless acts of violence, please know that for every branch that is torn away from a beautiful tree there will grow several more to it's bountiful harvest. ANTHONY YOU WILL BE MISSED BUT NOT FORGOTTEN!
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