It's said some where that a person needs something in their lives to be passionate about. Mine is a hobby that has become a business and yet so personal to me. Candles signify the part of my life that had for so many years been undefined,shapeless,unformed,nothing from day to day to set your goals upon. Those are some of the phrases I used to define my existence. It wasn't as simple or complicated now but at the time when I was diagnosed as suffering from depression I didn't know half of the terms or symptoms affiliated to this Thief of Life! When you are in depressed mode nothing has any life, light or vigor to it, it was as I termed it shapeless. I dealt with this issue for many years but after therapy and clinical trials I finally have emerged from the cocoon that I was enshrouded in and joined life again. I wouldn't dwell on the fact of this prognosis but will dwell on the fact that we recover from it and have an excellent chance of remaining depression free if we rely on the counseling and oft times treatments that are associated with it. My physicians had been adamant about me doing things that kept one from isolating themselves. My fight wasn't with anyone in particular,just me and my emotions that sprang from one extreme to the other most of my life! I was either feeling up or feeling down. I have a lot of friends who at this very moment haven't sought any professional help and continue on their lonely journey to nowhere and it hurts me knowing that they can be set free if they just reach out and talk about this disease. This society terms depression as only a phase, a woman's hormonal levels are to high or she is angry or that she is just high strung have be some of the definitions used to describe me but once I started using the controls set in place by my therapist I realized that this was something that could be lived with and modified through the various means of therapies. Mine happened to be Candle-Making! These items I created are facets of me and my ability to transform and change my reality back to the future as opposed to wallowing in my past. With each new project I open up the door of renewed possibilities,something to set a goal upon or my dead-lines on. My critical thinking skills have come back even stronger and I took the necessary steps to go back to school and pursue my Bachelor's Degree something that had gotten lost to me amongst the reverie of moments gone but the beauty is OF The things I have yet to define ,seek and or Find~ life is never over until you cease to stop LIVING IT~