I have yet to become highly publicized but it's quite alright knowing that I am important enough to share information to those who want to listen and learn. These are the fine points of living in a world sometimes unkind to those who won't cooperate w/it! I enjoyed my Mother's Day so very much not so much because I am a mother but the fact that I was able to make someone else happy in the interim! My mother and a few others that I won't divulge name because of their love of privacy. People don't realize that we as the human beings we are supposed to be are responsible for each other, not too tear down but to hold up and love as long as it takes to rekindle some form of self-love again in our lives. Loving oneself does not come with the territory,many loose themselves because of bad relationships or just the fact of unhealthy ones. This doesn't mean that we are relegated to live out our existence loveless but apparently taking pains to include those who will balance and enhance us as we do the same for them. Young adults could take some pointers from those of us who have paved the way on relationships,everyone has them no matter how platonic or expressive they may become,our living journey depends upon this scenario. We engage and learn from birth the meaning of sharing and needing someone other than self to make experiences complete on the platform that we all share as soon as we take our first breathe. To all who begin the trek to learn and pursue your purpose I applaud the efforts that will be your own personal truth and no one but you can perform this but you! Whether you are spiritual or are connected to organized religion your purpose is yours the choice to embrace it or reject it comes from your will to dream the imossible dream and make it manifest upon the UNIVERSE.. In Our Own Times~