Every since i was a little girl i have been curious about death and the comings and goings of the people we love! What i have learned could fit a book outside of the learning curve that scientist attribute to our learned behaviors there is a part of our emotions that no empirical testing can ever touch. This realm of self and soul is a place that earnestly has its own subconscious state of being that reserves those that we love in a cocoon of sorts whereas we absorb the energy that they have left to us to go on. the strength that comes from a life of nuances and realities that aren't explained as you or I could but in the transference of a look, a smile ,a touch, the wiping of your brow. These very intimate things are the mirrors that reach into our souls at the close of the day when they are no longer here with us we can touch and feel that spirit that was tangible but now is lost.We must keep that string of thought with us always no matter the consequence that which was here and now is gone will always have you as it's mainstay. Children, mothers,fathers,cousins,aunts,uncles,step children,great-grandmothers the whole role of matriarchs and patriarchs that pass along the way are but the depositors of the way to the light when it's your turn to bid a fond adieu! They pave the way and make the comfort real for you and i just be kind and remember that each in kind will do what has been done for us..later on is always there waiting for us,,remember to love those that are here for you and even those that aren't they see you too!