Clouds what are in ours today?

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Music to the masses via Vincent Gray

Vincent Gray had an election day event that left everyone hot,tired but enthused about the possibilities of new blood on the horizon via Mayoral candidates. It seems as though we are the forgotten ones a lot of people said as he purposed to end a long list of ineffective policies that have left many citizens of Southeast DC out in the rain. There will be renewed progress here stated Mr. Gray just before any of his several constituents started their vocalizations and spiels concerning this hopefuls steps along the corridors of Washington DC. Vincent Gray is definitely a fixture in DC these days there are not many days left until the election revs up and voters take to the polls. Adrian Fenty our present mayor has lagged in one of the straw polls narrowly coming out in first place in his own precinct Ward 4 . A lot of voters have said that they feel lost and forgotten in SE, a place that seems as though the politicians have time and time again over looked as businesses and development take to the outskirts of land that ranges around the Anacostia River and borders by the Potomac River too. The National Harbor w/ Gaylords Hotel and the Nationals Stadium are but two business ventures and accomplishments that bought jobs to the recesses of SE. The public subway transportation goes to only two stops.. subway that is Southern Ave, Station and Green Line at Anacostia. That's it! and the temporary stoppage of the transfer situation hasn't helped Washingtonians when a lot of them need at least two buses to get them home and to work. there were quite a few issues on the floor this weekend as Vincent Grey took the podium and said his not so practiced speech and shook hands and recognized many of the issues that should have been addressed by the last administration. Then the fact of the matter seems as though everyone is pushed over here as a separation move away from the more affluent white families across the tracks and it feels as such whether it really is that way or not. It reeks of a Southern racial movie albeit the fictional plantation overseers and bosses As it seems they saw the issues of a elite few and then what ever was left trickled down to the masses,those being the people of SE. As the last trickle of people left the enormous park after dancing,go-go and enjoying the band and speakers there were those that left with these last remarks 'I guess we will see what he does hopefully he will be better than the last and that is a shame considering they all are politicians but who will do the most for the other side of DC 'The predominately Black Side"?

Saturday, August 7, 2010

It's an amazing journey that we take with our future

I am seriously not amused at the way that people often view us as Americans and as a sub-culture. It has been an anomaly that we were lazy, poor spirited, over sexed and just no darn good as a species!As a black woman who has held her head up amidst the notoriety, poverty,slavery of our people the freedom and not wanting it of our people and last but not least the fact that we are more detrimental to self than any body else could be, now that's even more depressing! I tell you in view of our future generations I actually quiver to think that we are left to children that have no respect for their elders and the fact remains almost none for themselves. My own opinion may not be the gist of every other person because we can always find good within that is our 'faith statement'. The reality is that other ethnicity's are way ahead of our own and the sociology of this is that our culture dictates that we socialize children at a young age to be either more man than the average man or we over simplify the woman's part in history My grandmother used to say 'at the feet of women a nation is raised'. What kids even are at their moms feet now,our feet are constantly in pace running here and there not taking the time to even check in with our kids most of the time. Our excuses are that we don't have the time well I can say this for sure if we don't take the time now the time to undo will soon be over and all you will be able to do is shake your head and cry about why? This is not intended to be a parenting feature but an awakening one to take heed when the signs are at your front door. I see our children as a result of a sickness that has pervaded our space whether it is the media or just the world at large there is definitely a pervasive illness that eats our young then spits the blame at the feet of their families to ponder upon. I can say for sure that I have been down a road of blame why didn't I do this why? didn't I do that? all questions now that should have been upon my lips before but the ironic part was there wasn't a clue as to what I should do as a parent? There are no sure fire ways or directions to cut our paths through the growing up process we take a little from our parents, we take a little from the schools, then we even take some from the child and go to it like a new recipe that we are trying out for the first time and believe you me if it doesn't work out you will know by the first bite Naw! The random ways that we are about the climate that our society looks at us is even more non compliant in my mind we just take it activism, no complaints we just take it like the man at the store would take a bullet to the head as if our fates are already written in stone!Why is it that we don't remember we are talented that we are creative that we are 'Queens and Kings' that were are more than conquerors that we can ultimately decide our fates WHY?? have we been destined to forget these truths? They are exactly that TRUTHS and as long as we as a people don't remember our Karma, our past lives who else will? Not the man on the corner,your employer, your other friends that smile when you come into the rooms are we going to be relegated to the dust by our own forgetfulness? I think not because every time I take this pen in hand and every time i think that things need refreshed every time I feel a little bit threatened I am going to remind all that will listen that we are greater than the sum total of 'ALL'that we set our gazes upon. The very foundation of the civilizations are based on the knowledge of our ancestors, this is not a fable this is scientifically proven but if it's not tangible and seen through the eye somehow we don't believe in it, and that is preposterous. If scientists know it and try to assemble all types of databases to support the knowledge why is it that we as a people can't begin to facilitate change using the already open books that are there for all to witness and view?~ Stop trying to duck 'Greatness' it is there for the taking don't get it twisted though it doesn't come on silent feet nor does it come as easily as it might seem.. you must seek it diligently and consistently because the world will be greater for your journey to find it! The mission is not the important part of the journey it is the actual journey that will enlighten and free you to become who you are AWESOME in Progress!