I just came back off of a trip to somewhere else in this universe! Ha! Who would of thought that after all these years I would aspire to become a college bum all over again? The youthfulness of the other students light me up like a candle because often times they are giving me the vigor and energy to show them exactly what a baby-boomer is made of. The content of my studies right now range from Economics and Business Law which I simply love,and will say honestly if I had to do it all again I'd be a Lawyer,an Esquire whatever the handle would've been. My study habits have much to be required, I retain information quite well all things taken in to consideration. I have kept up the pace of going to the library and working a full time job~ Oh the job is extraordinary,I do Quality Assurance something that keeps everyone on their toes, honestly? My reemergence as a student has indeed opened up a lot of new venues for me, I have acquired new friends in the age groups younger than my son all though they respect and admire my tenacity they tease me more or less about keeping on with the Keep ON~ And so I keep on with it until I walk across the platform and start my search for the next 'BIG Accomplishment ' something to pass on to my grand kids who can always say ' My granny has a Degree from??? This will be the legacy I seek to leave with my family~ Continuing your education 'ROCKS"
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