People have been overjoyed this week after Obama's win! Why not? This man who was destined to win this election should be viewed as any other person who wins what they set out to do. Convince a nation, I doubt that seriously,we didn't need much convincing. America the Beautiful for all intents and purposes was on it's way to destruction through our ill-managed economy,leadership,special interest groups with no interest,just the whole gamut of presidential games. Nobody wanted to approach the stink,we smelled it,they smelled it, the politicians and all the King's Men smelled it, but no one wanted to tackle it. Jobs in the millions have been lost,these are families,children and peoples way of living we're talking about here,so our society decides that our candidate was not good enough to lead this country? By who's decision was this idea even presented? By the idiots that ran this farce,so the people who knew this man could pull off this change in thinking developed a plan called 'Yes we can' and guess what? Every one in this country showed up for this change,can you imagine a people who have been drug through the mud so long and have had to look down so long that now!,perhaps there was a chance sincerely for change? The mandated election of Obama our President-Elect is by no stretch of the imagination a mistake but a revelation to be looked upon as what it really is a means of salvation for the disenfranchised,forgotten, and more than not left out people of a nation where every one can't afford to write a check for a million dollars or trade stocks in the 10's of million dollars,people who at the end of the day just want to rest and see the faces of their loved ones and prepare for their futures and to simply live in the manner afforded to them at this time! Something I have always heard, you have to go through some things to get to the other side,well now it's our time to shine and attempt the change that we have truly arrived at!! And remember that it's alright to laugh and smile because you and I deserve it.. Peace and a jar of hair grease:)
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