Others Always See Us Better
Current mood: accomplished
Category: Life
I was blown away the other day when I read your post,i had just come back from driving my grandson to Va. where he lives so he'd be on time for his football practice. I am rather proud of the interactions his mother and my son have in raising him even though they are not involved w/ each other anymore.Why I share this info is because it takes a village to raise a child and not an easy task at all. I hate to say it but I agree wholeheartedly w/ you on the points you made,mainly because if I were doing a survey of a lot of females of color the point America and society sees is that they bear children and leave the mess for either the morgue,criminal justice system or any other institution to take care of the problem they have given birth to..Yes! I am one of those females who have posted blogs about why aren't there enough Black Men for professional women? and questions that are posed knowing full well what the answers belie. The finger points back to the Black woman and our parts in this equation.What I have discovered through Life and also examining many, many instances of interactions between our people is the rampant dysfunction I've met at every aspect of a desired partnership and it returns back to us and the question is "What are we raising in our homes? We are raising needy,irresponsible little boys with little or no ambitions and many don't have a clue as to what engenders a healthy relationship or otherwise w/ a female. A lot of times these child-men are in awe or resent the female that they supposedly share a relationship with and have not been given the tools to cope w/ certain predicaments that come inside their circles of Life. People that have forged ahead to continue their education for whatever reason have to be applauded simply because at one time we weren't allowed to study,obtain schooling because we would have been put to death simple as that.Also we live in a society that is competitive-based and only those with a sound foundation such as knowledge and technical no-how can actually forge ahead so where does that leave someone who has no abilities to thinking outside of a box or decision making qualities along w/peer problems,financial difficulties and don't forget identity hang ups? Not a good position to be in at this turn of the century. Then too we have a lot of brothers who have had the wherewithal to understand the problems that came with our backgrounds and have struggled to overcome the stigma and turmoil of not being equipped with tools to cope w/ Life. Life as we understand it can't always be mastered with just brute strength or just your wits or even charm your way through a certain situation When it comes to your understanding of what it is a man stands for and what is expected of you when it comes to starting a family,ie sacrifices have to be made,decisions have to be adhered too. It takes work nohow and a lot of patience to make relationship work any relationship. No they all won't be perfect but if we have an even hand to begin our journey maybe, just maybe our lives make take a turn for life instead of death. We have to unlearn to learn ourselves back through a maze of misconceptions handed down and or misconstrued with our journey and our walk through this world Some people don't have a true definition of what their part is in a relationship,that men who are the protectors of home and hearth and hold part of the responsibilities for the babes that they and significant others bring into this world, is that something so foreign for us to grasp upon? In this world we bring forth the future leaders and movers and shakers ? Yes we as women are an integral part of this problem because again I pose the question "What are we bringing up in our homes? Without the hope and love of our ancestors we won't make it! The saddest part of our saga is that we have had somewhat of a monopoly on HOPE. Yes" Hope bought us through those trying times of slavery,civil rights movements, and continued discriminatory system that wants anything not understood dead and that surely includes our race. We are at the forefront where as a Black man has finally reached a position so paramount in History that we can hardly believed it was reached in our Life times.What will we as a people do to support this dream that for so long has been wished and longed for?What will we do to honor those who fought bravely and gave their lives so this moment could become a reality? Will we instead continue to be trifling and think that there is nothing wrong with our state of existence. Will we continue to ignore the warning bells going off all around us, the death of our young children,our economy, an unjust system,joblessness,our refusal to take responsibility for ourselves and the inability to take a stand against what's really going on.. My people we have been lulled to SLEEP! Can we take a hold of our destinies and believe that things can indeed get better if we put in the work! and pray and keep our heads to the sky and not on "Those who we think Got it but in the pursuit of us getting our Lost Humanity Back.. and Finally a plea for us to stop the Killing of our people for nothing! Yes! I said absolutely nothing..because what ever the situation that brings one to the taking of another man or woman's life is not the the thing that needs to be removed but a part of our being that needs to come back in effect and that is OUR HUMANITY!! God blesses us every day! ( Martin Luther King ) said I have been to the mountaintop,I may not be able to go there with you but..People, he and others like him have bought us this Far!!!!!
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