Do you know who you are? You are not that girl on the video shaking your hind parts and being bootylicious
You are not that woman beat down sucking on a crack-pipe!
You are not that woman having no hope with eyes cast down listening to man saying to only fear him.
My sister we are so much more than what the human eyes see or the scenarios played out for the lokkers to glance upon
You have been watched more than a Swiss clock on any given day for your beauty as well as your wretchedness possessed of want and lust..nobody talks about that?
Thes parts are relegated for those of us that eluded to the episodes we knew nothing about , a script written not by our own hands but someone far away in a strange man's land.
Someone who needed our strength ,our passion ,our genes,our young to poulate and navigate the crops of his seasons not ours
someone to fight wars that we knew nothing of to run races that we got none of the currency now we play the baskets and hit the balls to the pitcher that makes the men richer than we ever dreamed he could be.
those are the hidden episodes that we are starred in but hidden when the screen credits come on the page because we don't matter. Only when our currency is needed are we then heeded and sought out as deer in headlights to be used again and again by our psuedo overseers who get us to do the dirtiest work imagined ..To tell us lies to let us believe that this a a right thing to do to let us know that if I do what the 'master say do then it must be right for you? How can it be right my brother when my tears run buckets in the night when my children don't have a safe home at night when education is but a thought not a verb it's a noun something that just sounds like it's going someplace. how is that right my brother or is it sister? they transform the light so bright sometimes I can't tell which one that you are all i know is that you bring the beautiful lies and you bring them to my bedside when I am half awake when i bend down to pray for my sake you bring them on whispered feet and you say? The episode you choose will be with you forever my child so choose wisely and precisely but brother i don't know the meaning of the word I haven't gotten to the W's or the P's yet!
Know this my sister you and I are so much more the beauty of the obsidian glance upon the eras long gone and past. our wit our charm nothing but extra appendages that GOD in man gave us for donation to give as gifts to man.Our charm our smile inbred instinctive yet paused has been harnessed by those who knew our beauty our wealth that we knew nothing of and had no idea who we were. We created sciences, history ,we educated than forgot what we knew..what we knew has been overtaken, hidden, looted, pillaged, duplicated lied about never knowing just how we began but feeling that we were here and realizing and awaking now not to an everlasting dream but as a phoenix risen from the prophetic ashes and finding himself far away from home but righting our bodies and steadying life so we can again blossom and live out life where we find ourselves to be. Simple electric pulses that reveal in my mind that this is not who I am nor the lot that I find by my side is not mine not by design someone' else caricature of me.. Knowledge bought me the key I possess that's always akin to the life we choose never are we broken because the pieces were there for us to find to become who we were from the ages long gone we filled the edges out inside to create fulfillment in our souls remember we were always born whole!
The vastness of a universe lingers within us
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