As I traveled through DC this morning 312/11 I came upon a man pushing his wordly possessions through the streets of DC on a Safeway cart and bundles of trash and discarded refuse and he said to me Good morning Ms. Not the routine do you have some change or can you spare a dime or quarter. He actually said a greeting quite a warm one if you ask me. I said my good morning to him also and he stated "Isn't there a parade on Constitution Ave. today? I replied I can't say for sure but I think that there are festivities going on today. He then said well in that case I am happy because that will be my entertainment today! The man (homeless individual) that he was lit up as if he were a diamond in my mind simply because of the statement he just made something so simple yet eloquent in its bearing the words that cascaded from between his lips were my entertainment not yours or anyone else Mine! He equated a day of celebration and parades to his enjoyment I thought that alone was a blessing to be able to still seek some type of enjoyment after everything else in ones life may be gone askew he still sought a way to alieviate the pain and grief that we all to quickly surrender too. For that statement alone my fine Sir today I salute you for being my hero, a person whom I may not ever see again but for one peaceful moment pulled the curtain of despair away from the window and gave me a glimpse of heaven and what it truly means to live unencumbered.
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