Clouds what are in ours today?

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

What's so hard to learn about LOVE?

If we look at our world and realize just how small it is in comparison to our everyday wants,needs and worries maybe just maybe we can see that we are more alike than not. Every little girl wants to be a Princess and most little boys have the trademark of their daddies or some other in-charge person they know-sic! However what they aspire to be has more to do with what their parents have presented into the lives of their children. The most important aspect would have to be is the countenance of the LOVE that's manifested and shown throughout their lives! How they are both loved and how they decipher and give love. Do they realize through parenting that they should love each other and create relationships with people as opposed to not creating them? Do your little ones keep most of their abilities and attitudes that they have when they were young? And if not why not because we showed them how to be suspicious and to hate? Why do we even teach this strange emotion? is it indeed a defensive motive or do we give this to them as a type of keepsake handed down from generation to generation? What is it's use anyway? We start out so nicely cultivating qualities in our young to take on the world as they will know it not exactly as we have because of the frequent changing of the Guard! This is something that is-inevitable and nothing or no one can stop the ticking of the clock of 'Time" Just believe that we are not the only ones of this world that have to teach,collaborate and justify where we want our offspring to aspire to be and to what extent they will get to when they get there.We have to believe though as their proprietors that we are reverent in our misgivings and that if there are mistakes that they can be rectified also done and to thine self be true! Teach them these attributes and their lives may not have been in vain for these are the ways of this world and perhaps the next-Who knows??

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