if there was a faraway place that i could compare to this event it would have been me being Dorothy and wishing i was back home! Not in any weird or bad way but after the fun was over I just wanted to rest my feet and reflect upon the enthusiasm that was held here today. GLBT was at it's height in solidarity and freedom on the mall. people were definitely coming out as I saw Doctor's ,lawyers, profeesionals of every ilk take up their pompoms and sashay away! The many causes that were here to promote was awe inspiring simply because the people cared enough to stand behind what they believed in and that's all it should be about don't cha think?
A poetry based blog with an added twist of news on the GO! Arts and Mother's Wit are chemically combined to give it's patrons a new lease on Life. We are the women and men who have yearned for change and now realize that change only comes with Actions:) Contributions to blogs are always welcome as we are a community of poets with our minds and eyes upon the rationale of Change
Clouds what are in ours today?
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
We were in the Land of OZ and Dorothy said"Toto I wish I were back home"
A Rose by any other name is still ?
Monday, June 14, 2010
Gay Pride Weekend Bash
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Why God is crying when it's raining~
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
If it were you what could you have done differently?
while lying here upon my bed thoughts of the night before wandered all through my head,if it were you what exactly would you do if the decision were absolutely essentially up to you? To take a life of someone you love so that the other will live how can I make a decision like this? She was heavenly,soft as a cloud of cotton,brown as the sun could tan one ever so gently~touching my lips to her skin was like the wing of an angel just as it was set to flight. There was much to do that night as the footsteps cradled by the light I shut the door as scared by the fright of the nature of man who came in as if he had a right..he took my child from me and walked toward the door to the night,quickly I leaped as if I was on a high score running to him to place myself between the child of my heart my hopes my dreams as he stepped away i didn't see the knife or it's sway but felt it's handle on my fingertips i slipped to draw it to him but it fell and the ink was everywhere but the story remains the same as I lay claim to the song that I wrote it became my child, my soul, my heart, my life he stole it that night as if he had the right what would you have done if it were you?