Clouds what are in ours today?

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Why God is crying when it's raining~

What has happened to me I ask as I watch the funeral possession that silently rolls out from the church. The pallbearers walk slowly with the remains of the woman that once was my grandmother ,my angelic cherubic nanny who had always taken her last to give to me as she had this very moment. her last, what could that be? my girlfriend asked me once when I told her the contents of my heartfelt thoughts around my granny'. She does everything and asks nothing but that i don't embarrass her and bring shame on my family"my friend exclaimed what type of shame would you bring to her Bren? 'What she meant I suppose is that the shame of being a loose woman or girl sleeping all over the place with men that type of shame and a lot of kids running around with different babies daddies" Granny knew what she was talking about as I watched the girls piling in to pay their last respects to a lady that also gave directions to a lot of them too~ tears were running down their faces just as the tears were slowly making their trails down many other folks who were there too give their condolences and prayers to this beautiful black grandmother! A mother of the heart is sometimes more honorable than a mother of the soul although there isn't much difference. My biological mom left me to this wonderful lady years ago out of her mind with grief and woe but in the  element with drugs,men and the streets nanny took me and several other stranded,neglected youth that had no place else to go and kept us as if we had sprang from her loins no different were we from her two grown children that took us back and forth to schools,hospitals,clinics anywhere and everywhere when the need arose and no back talk was her motto and nobody did either. It was like she really had eyes in the back of her head something we all said that she had tho! While we did our homework and studies she always considered that each of her brood was different some had smarts others had skills she promoted the best in all of us no matter what she made sure that we did things to make our purpose manifested upon this earth she also said the saddest thing was a purpose that was left out in the setting sun never to be fulfilled and she said that makes God cry! I agree to that as my nanny is set to rest God has cried many times over for those of us who left our God-given purpose in the dust to rot! We do our creator  disservice when we lose ourselves to the world and disregard the gifts that are bequeathed to each and everyone of his creations!

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