A poetry based blog with an added twist of news on the GO! Arts and Mother's Wit are chemically combined to give it's patrons a new lease on Life. We are the women and men who have yearned for change and now realize that change only comes with Actions:) Contributions to blogs are always welcome as we are a community of poets with our minds and eyes upon the rationale of Change
Clouds what are in ours today?
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Friday, November 12, 2010
Bikeshare Program in DC Who knew? and Who is it really for?
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Do you know who you are?
You are not that woman beat down sucking on a crack-pipe!
You are not that woman having no hope with eyes cast down listening to man saying to only fear him.
My sister we are so much more than what the human eyes see or the scenarios played out for the lokkers to glance upon
You have been watched more than a Swiss clock on any given day for your beauty as well as your wretchedness possessed of want and lust..nobody talks about that?
Thes parts are relegated for those of us that eluded to the episodes we knew nothing about , a script written not by our own hands but someone far away in a strange man's land.
Someone who needed our strength ,our passion ,our genes,our young to poulate and navigate the crops of his seasons not ours
someone to fight wars that we knew nothing of to run races that we got none of the currency now we play the baskets and hit the balls to the pitcher that makes the men richer than we ever dreamed he could be.
those are the hidden episodes that we are starred in but hidden when the screen credits come on the page because we don't matter. Only when our currency is needed are we then heeded and sought out as deer in headlights to be used again and again by our psuedo overseers who get us to do the dirtiest work imagined ..To tell us lies to let us believe that this a a right thing to do to let us know that if I do what the 'master say do then it must be right for you? How can it be right my brother when my tears run buckets in the night when my children don't have a safe home at night when education is but a thought not a verb it's a noun something that just sounds like it's going someplace. how is that right my brother or is it sister? they transform the light so bright sometimes I can't tell which one that you are all i know is that you bring the beautiful lies and you bring them to my bedside when I am half awake when i bend down to pray for my sake you bring them on whispered feet and you say? The episode you choose will be with you forever my child so choose wisely and precisely but brother i don't know the meaning of the word I haven't gotten to the W's or the P's yet!
Know this my sister you and I are so much more the beauty of the obsidian glance upon the eras long gone and past. our wit our charm nothing but extra appendages that GOD in man gave us for donation to give as gifts to man.Our charm our smile inbred instinctive yet paused has been harnessed by those who knew our beauty our wealth that we knew nothing of and had no idea who we were. We created sciences, history ,we educated than forgot what we knew..what we knew has been overtaken, hidden, looted, pillaged, duplicated lied about never knowing just how we began but feeling that we were here and realizing and awaking now not to an everlasting dream but as a phoenix risen from the prophetic ashes and finding himself far away from home but righting our bodies and steadying life so we can again blossom and live out life where we find ourselves to be. Simple electric pulses that reveal in my mind that this is not who I am nor the lot that I find by my side is not mine not by design someone' else caricature of me.. Knowledge bought me the key I possess that's always akin to the life we choose never are we broken because the pieces were there for us to find to become who we were from the ages long gone we filled the edges out inside to create fulfillment in our souls remember we were always born whole!
The vastness of a universe lingers within us
Monday, October 18, 2010
Everybody knows how to do the 'Electric Slide" Ha! Ha! even the KidS!!@^&#
This has got to be one of the most famous dance moves that people of Color originated! Although I have seen numerous attempts to change it and rename it "Electric Sliding is something we do with zest and fun! and we do it well and don't forget 'ON TIME' Got to love the dance~ Come on and let's party right!!!!
Jammin @ Malcom X Park on 10/17/10
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Do our lives have a parallel?
I said before want te self-same results that you want!
Do our lives have a parallel?
of a word, conjures up themes of dark caverns and doom, it shows how prehistoric our minds still remain. technology dictates that we become modern in our thoughts and deeds. Why is it so hard to let go of the past and go on to our futures. Does hate have to continue to be on the plate? Time is of an essence now will we relegate our children to hate like we have or will we allow them the freedom to choose their friends and allies as their own? Let go and give them permission to become unencumbered by that weight tied around their necks please let them be free from hate,prejudices and animosity. There is no room for those emotions anymore our lives are much to full with other more important things to be taken care of~ Live and let live is the motto for all or should be! Let it go and become FREE!
Unions with Solidarity: ONE NATION UNDER GOD
Today was a day that started out like any regular day did. I watched the weather channel to see what the climate was and proceeded to put on something comfortable and loose. I planned to take pictures of the activities on the mall. People were everywhere as you can see.There were a tatal of 1600 buses alone at RFK Stadium and 290 in Maryland anywhere they could be parked they were. The word on the streets was that people and the unions are in DC to have a showdown with politicians on working conditions and Social program reforms. I must say they are in need of upheaval for all the reasons that are listed. Congress doesn't want to pass any more reforms on HealthCare but will not go back on the promise to amend certain passages they already have let up on. For instance how can they take back the aid to veterans that have fought in the war? Concessions that they have given for medical aid to seniors Yes! we also know they want to privatize Social Security! Just how will that work? Have a bidding war over what companies will own and regulate the rest of our lives our monies, our investments? No that doesn't sound feasible either! Whan it comes down to the "Y" exactly who will govern those laws that maintain and keep us afloat upon the seas of life. I for one don't know thw answers but being a part of a movement to be counted does appeal to me in these ways. If one doesn't stand up to be counted you can best believe you won't be. Our society has gone to the point of indifference when it comes down to everyone having a vote and a point. of view. The march yesterday proved that we still care about our futures and the fact still remains that we do have power. Power in nunbers to be exact and we have to parlay that and send a message to the powers that be! That we won't sit down and allow politicains our president or any other entity to just go on making those decisions that lead to us not being involved in our own LIVES~ absolutely ludicrous to believe that we don't want to be a part of that Number~ We can all sing now- Oh! when the Saints come marching home!!
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Music to the masses via Vincent Gray
Saturday, August 7, 2010
It's an amazing journey that we take with our future
I am seriously not amused at the way that people often view us as Americans and as a sub-culture. It has been an anomaly that we were lazy, poor spirited, over sexed and just no darn good as a species!As a black woman who has held her head up amidst the notoriety, poverty,slavery of our people the freedom and not wanting it of our people and last but not least the fact that we are more detrimental to self than any body else could be, now that's even more depressing! I tell you in view of our future generations I actually quiver to think that we are left to children that have no respect for their elders and the fact remains almost none for themselves. My own opinion may not be the gist of every other person because we can always find good within that is our 'faith statement'. The reality is that other ethnicity's are way ahead of our own and the sociology of this is that our culture dictates that we socialize children at a young age to be either more man than the average man or we over simplify the woman's part in history My grandmother used to say 'at the feet of women a nation is raised'. What kids even are at their moms feet now,our feet are constantly in pace running here and there not taking the time to even check in with our kids most of the time. Our excuses are that we don't have the time well I can say this for sure if we don't take the time now the time to undo will soon be over and all you will be able to do is shake your head and cry about why? This is not intended to be a parenting feature but an awakening one to take heed when the signs are at your front door. I see our children as a result of a sickness that has pervaded our space whether it is the media or just the world at large there is definitely a pervasive illness that eats our young then spits the blame at the feet of their families to ponder upon. I can say for sure that I have been down a road of blame why didn't I do this why? didn't I do that? all questions now that should have been upon my lips before but the ironic part was there wasn't a clue as to what I should do as a parent? There are no sure fire ways or directions to cut our paths through the growing up process we take a little from our parents, we take a little from the schools, then we even take some from the child and go to it like a new recipe that we are trying out for the first time and believe you me if it doesn't work out you will know by the first bite Naw! The random ways that we are about the climate that our society looks at us is even more non compliant in my mind we just take it ..no activism, no complaints we just take it like the man at the store would take a bullet to the head as if our fates are already written in stone!Why is it that we don't remember we are talented that we are creative that we are 'Queens and Kings' that were are more than conquerors that we can ultimately decide our fates WHY?? have we been destined to forget these truths? They are exactly that TRUTHS and as long as we as a people don't remember our Karma, our past lives who else will? Not the man on the corner,your employer, your other friends that smile when you come into the rooms are we going to be relegated to the dust by our own forgetfulness? I think not because every time I take this pen in hand and every time i think that things need refreshed every time I feel a little bit threatened I am going to remind all that will listen that we are greater than the sum total of 'ALL'that we set our gazes upon. The very foundation of the civilizations are based on the knowledge of our ancestors, this is not a fable this is scientifically proven but if it's not tangible and seen through the eye somehow we don't believe in it, and that is preposterous. If scientists know it and try to assemble all types of databases to support the knowledge why is it that we as a people can't begin to facilitate change using the already open books that are there for all to witness and view?~ Stop trying to duck 'Greatness' it is there for the taking don't get it twisted though it doesn't come on silent feet nor does it come as easily as it might seem.. you must seek it diligently and consistently because the world will be greater for your journey to find it! The mission is not the important part of the journey it is the actual journey that will enlighten and free you to become who you are AWESOME in Progress!
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Poetrydivas~Now we're walking toward something
Beauty in the Eyes of the beholder not the pockets
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
We were in the Land of OZ and Dorothy said"Toto I wish I were back home"
if there was a faraway place that i could compare to this event it would have been me being Dorothy and wishing i was back home! Not in any weird or bad way but after the fun was over I just wanted to rest my feet and reflect upon the enthusiasm that was held here today. GLBT was at it's height in solidarity and freedom on the mall. people were definitely coming out as I saw Doctor's ,lawyers, profeesionals of every ilk take up their pompoms and sashay away! The many causes that were here to promote was awe inspiring simply because the people cared enough to stand behind what they believed in and that's all it should be about don't cha think?
A Rose by any other name is still ?
Monday, June 14, 2010
Gay Pride Weekend Bash
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Why God is crying when it's raining~
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
If it were you what could you have done differently?
while lying here upon my bed thoughts of the night before wandered all through my head,if it were you what exactly would you do if the decision were absolutely essentially up to you? To take a life of someone you love so that the other will live how can I make a decision like this? She was heavenly,soft as a cloud of cotton,brown as the sun could tan one ever so gently~touching my lips to her skin was like the wing of an angel just as it was set to flight. There was much to do that night as the footsteps cradled by the light I shut the door as scared by the fright of the nature of man who came in as if he had a right..he took my child from me and walked toward the door to the night,quickly I leaped as if I was on a high score running to him to place myself between the child of my heart my hopes my dreams as he stepped away i didn't see the knife or it's sway but felt it's handle on my fingertips i slipped to draw it to him but it fell and the ink was everywhere but the story remains the same as I lay claim to the song that I wrote it became my child, my soul, my heart, my life he stole it that night as if he had the right what would you have done if it were you?